We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.”

This viral taunt from an LGBTQ march reminds us that the war against children is raging—not only in homes but also at the forefront of today’s political agendas in an attempt to steal the innocence of our children. 

Drenda Keesee’s thought-provoking book, They Are Coming for Your Children: The Fight We Must Win!, is a wake-up call to parents and the nation to confront and combat what is nothing less than every offensive evil that hell can unleash against the children of this generation. From transgenderism, to critical race theory, to sex-trafficking, Satan is bent on destroying this generation because they are destined to bring in worldwide revival and usher in the return of Jesus Christ. 

In her quest to rally the anointed mamas and courageous fathers of the Kingdom, Drenda exposes the web of deception operating in our schools, hospitals, media, world organizations, and even our own government and laws. She also identifies how biblical prophecy of the events leading to Jesus’s return is being fulfilled through these same agendas. They Are Coming for Your Children is a revelatory guide to help you recognize and discern the times we are living in.

But They Are Coming for Your Children is also full of answers and strategies to overtake these schemes, which will require courage from all of us. 

This is the fight we must and WILL win!

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About Drenda

We are at war. There is a spiritual battle raging between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness for the hearts, souls, and lives of our children. Drenda Keesee is leading the charge to expose the web of deception and help you recognize and discern the times we are living in and to empower and equip you to stand firm in faith and live victoriously.

Drenda is an international speaker, life coach, pastor, businesswoman, and television host of Drenda and the Drenda on Guard channel. She is also a best-selling author of several books, including Nasty Gets Us Nowhere: Women and Men Succeeding Together, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People, The New Vintage Family: A Vintage Look for the Modern-Day Family, Fight Like Heaven! A Cultural Guide to Living on Guard, and her latest release, They Are Coming for Your Children: The Fight We Must Win!

She is passionate about families, freedom, and finances and has made it her mission to expose the latest Antichrist agendas in order to equip believers to live in victory and without fear in these appointed times.

Drenda and her husband of 40 years, Gary Keesee, founded Faith Life Church in 1995 that now has campuses in New Albany and Powell, Ohio. They also launched Faith Life Now Ministries, which reaches millions of people across the globe through TV shows, radio, worldwide conferences, online platforms, books, and teachings to spread the Good News of the Kingdom.

The Keesees have five accomplished adult children and soon-to-be 12 grandchildren.

Available, get it now!

This is the fight we must and WILL win!

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